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Grand Guardian Council

The Grand Guardian Council of Oregon (GGC) is the adult volunteer body that helps oversee and manage some of the business aspects of the state-level of Job's Daughters. Adult volunteers that have shown a high level of commitment to their local Bethels may become involved in the GGC through an elected leadership role, standing committees, or ceremonial titles as a way to distinguish service. 


We are very grateful for the time, energy, and love our Grand Officers and adult volunteers have put into helping our members grow and learn to lead in a safe and encouraging environment.


Grand Guardian


Kristi Reid

Assoc. Grand Guardian


John Nowell


Pacific Northwest


Forest Green, Blue, and Brown


Animals of the Pacific Northwest

Philanthropic Focus:


Organization Focus:

Growth and Promotion

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Grand Secretary

Job's Daughters International, Inc. is a premier organization for young women that provides a wholesome environment based on the foundation of high morals, love of country, love of family and friends and respect for others throughout the world. It is a living organization dedicated to meeting the needs of young women today and their challenges of tomorrow. It is a quality organization that fosters a sense of pride in achievement for each and all members as they prepare to become the adult leaders of the future. This website is not the official Supreme Guardian Council (SGC) Job's Daughters International, Inc. (JDI)
web site. Information appearing on this website is the property of the Grand Guardian Council of Oregon, JDI and is not sanctioned by the SGC. I hope that you enjoy a glimpse into Job's Daughters in Oregon.

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